all postcodes in M7 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M7 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M7 2AA 4 0 53.505629 -2.260947
M7 2AB 6 0 53.50527 -2.260884
M7 2AD 6 0 53.505001 -2.260641
M7 2AE 2 0 53.505018 -2.260867
M7 2AF 4 0 53.503619 -2.259728
M7 2AH 6 0 53.503304 -2.259606
M7 2AJ 6 0 53.503017 -2.259438
M7 2AL 6 0 53.502721 -2.259255
M7 2AN 6 0 53.502433 -2.259163
M7 2AP 2 0 53.502469 -2.259329
M7 2AU 41 1 53.50676 -2.257863
M7 2AX 13 2 53.506371 -2.257827
M7 2BA 21 0 53.496716 -2.266919
M7 2BB 13 0 53.507174 -2.257503
M7 2BD 18 0 53.504465 -2.25907
M7 2BF 1 1 53.506566 -2.24298
M7 2BL 10 8 53.506498 -2.262686
M7 2BP 48 0 53.503987 -2.259987
M7 2BR 36 0 53.504842 -2.259449
M7 2BT 7 3 53.50624 -2.261312